St Oswald’s Platter
Bede tells us of Oswald's generosity to those in need. He tells this story:
“One Easter, Oswald was sitting at dinner with Aidan, and had a silver dish full of food before him when a servant, whom Oswald had appointed to look after those in need, came in and told him that many were at his gates asking for alms from the king. Oswald, immediately had his food given to the poor and had the silver dish broken up and distributed.”
If you would like to donate any produce to St Oswald’s Platter please contact the church office on 07512924401 to arrange a drop off time.
Should you be in any type of need feel free to come and collect from the platter. The Church is normally open 9:30am - 4pm Monday - Saturday. Please try to avoid service times and be respectful of groups who may be using the hall. Also note that some of the items on St Oswald’s Platter may be past their best before date.